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Monday, December 31, 2018

Our New Year's Eve Bash

Book 109

Lamentations 3:40 - 40. Let us search and try our ways, and turn again to the LORD

It's New Year's Eve, and I'm getting ready to bring it in with a bang. But...a bang isn't what it amount to be with an explosion. I woke up this morning with a mild pain in my right side. I didn't know what to expect, but...I've decided not to think no more of it. At least for now.

My brother-in-law Lorenzo decided to start barbecuing for the start of our New Years Eve bash, because he had to work for the New Year. He had a lot of food to be prepared and to place on the grill: Chicken, hot dogs and hamburger. I love the smell of the grill burning. It reminded me of my FATHER when he was grilling in his front yard. I really miss him very much.

Sherri, our mother Ruth and I sat and watched "In The Heat Of The Night" to pass time while we waited on Lorenzo to put the food on the grill to cook. We loved that show very much. Lots of big things happen in a small imaginary town of Sparta, Mississippi. The moments were peaceful as we sat very quietly on the couch and watched our favorite television sit com. Even my puppy dog Sheba sat quietly without a sound.

I would took a moment out of my time during this post and of the New Year's Eve bash to talk about something that came to mind while I'm sitting with my sister and mother Ruth watching In The Heat Of The Night. Something I thought of that happened 13 years prior before my FATHER died. I remembered a time when I was in my first apartment, I had this dream. It was so weird, I had to tell it in order to ease my conscience about what happened and how it came to pass. I dreamed of my FATHER laying in a casket in this place that was unknown to me.

I didn't know where it was, or how I got there to be exact. This place had so many rooms in it. One of the rooms (this one room in particular) I found my FATHER in the casket. In one of the other rooms, I found this choir singing. I didn't know, or quit comprehend what they were singing, but...they were all lined up in this one room just singing up a storm. This one room I was totally focused on where my FATHER was lying in his casket.

I started walking into this room to see and view my FATHER in his casket. I couldn't believe or place into terms of my FATHER dying! I looked around in this room and I could not find my FATHER. I thought, "That's odd!" I'm in tears, and I'm wondering, 'where is he?'

I was traveling from room to room to room trying to find my FATHER, but I couldn't find him anywhere, like he disappeared into thin air. And then...I came back to the room where the choir were singing their praises. I was crying so hard! Here's how the dream ended. I got up out of my bed and I was looking around for my FATHER in my apartment and I couldn't find him anywhere.

My face was flooded in tears. I looked around as I started back to my bedroom and found that my pillow was soaking wet with my tears. Then...I looked around while I was in my bed out into the living room, wondering where my FATHER was in the equation. I found myself in a catatonic like state for just a brief moment.

Then I came to my senses. I had been up all night with that dream on my mind. I got ready for work. I remembered at work telling a woman who was into the LORD about my dream, and she said, "I dreamed of a wedding, not a funeral." I told myself, "How can that be when I dreamed of my FATHER in a casket?" From that point...I might dreamed of my FATHER'S death and I didn't know it come to pass 13 years to the date. In The Heat Of The Night just ended it's episode. Lorenzo had just finished a round of chicken, butt pork steaks, hamburger and hot dogs, I decided to get started on the baked beans and put the macaroni on for my sister Sherri, because she had just taken our mother for her dialysis treatments. She will then make the cheese for the macaroni when she got back from taking our mother Ruth for her dialysis treatments.

Wow! I really enjoy time with my family at our New Year's Eve barbecue bash. I'm very thankful for the time we share together. Sherri returned to make the cheese for the macaroni, I stood and watched,  while the rest of my immediate family stood around outside talking and laughing about everything that was mentioned, while my brother-in-law Lorenzo finished cooking on the grill. Still...the thought of my FATHER cooking on his grill brought back a lot of wonderful memories. Memories that would last a lifetime.

I finished up the baked beans; Sherri had just finished the cheese for the macaroni. She placed two long pans of macaroni and cheese in the oven. She then put a pot of Italian green beans.We waited until everything were ready to eat. Sherri and I couldn't wait until the real celebration for our barbecue bash began so that we as a immediate family can really began sharing time together and enjoying the barbecue (chicken, butt pork, hamburgers and hot dogs) macaroni and cheese, baked beans and real Italian green beans.

Wow...I can't wait until then! And to end it family and I were to attend watch night services (church) to bring the New Year in the name of GOD and his son JESUS. Wow! I pray that my family and I make it to see the New Year 2019 come in. I will be truly a blessing indeed.

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