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Sunday, December 23, 2018

Just Another Day In Paradise

Book 103 -

Philippians 1:3 - 5 - 3. I thank my GOD upon every remembrance of you, 4. Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy, 5. For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now.

We're on our (Sherri and I) to pick up our mother from dialysis. It's just another day for us, we still got a lot of Christmas shopping to do and no money to do it with. I guess this is the season of the struggle we go through everyday. Most of all...I can say, "We still got our life, health and strength and the blood running warm in our veins and that's a blessing in it self.

I think about what it would of been like if I still had my FATHER here for the Holiday's on top of game, breathing the breath of life and joking around? That's a memory in itself I choose to keep closest to my heart. I miss him so much and it's hard to fathom sometimes, but I rejoice the life he lived on this Earth. I'm still moving on with life though. What else can do, or say to bring my FATHER back to family?

I know for sure that it's difficult to bring anyone back if you have that divine faith like GOD and his son JESUS has. I'm only thankful that I had my FATHER most of my natural mortal life. I had to reminisce my FATHER for just a brief moment. My sister and I are very at the dialysis center to pick up our mother. Sherri went in the facility to retrieve her while I sat in the car writing about it and accepting it as one of my memories.

Usually our mother would have us to stop at a store, or a restaurant to get her something to eat. Our mother had us to stop at Burger King to get her a order of fries. That's it! Nothing else. I guess it was one of our mother's days that she wasn't all that hungry after getting off the dialysis machine.

The wait in the line at Burger King was very demanding. Someone had to of ordered a very huge order, or the wait in the car line wouldn't of been so bad. "What the heck!" 15 - 20 minutes in line...something has got to give. "What is going on here?" I'm sold on slowness.

Maybe we'll move in the car line  someday. Only the thought of this day can be placed in my time capsule of memories. Yes indeed! What a blast that last 15 to 20 minutes in my day. We went home afterwards.

We (Sherri, mother and I) arrived home and sat out the remainder of the day watching Cold Case, laughing and talking other things that memories are made of.

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