This post displays good memories to be cherished; bad memories to be remembered and to learn from it's desolate farce, so that bad memories want be repeated again. This post is shared worldwide from my immediate family and what's left of my extended family, with memories that will never die in our hearts, minds, and souls. This post is dedicated to our beloved patriarch. Memories infinity more.
Luke 6:45 - The Beatitudes - 45. A good man out of good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil; for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh
*My father talking in bold and italics
My family talking are in "" if everyone see an extensive amount of quotes and commas.
Memory #1 - From Twin Daughter & Author: Terri Celestine Brunson - "The Pickled Relish" - A Good Memory
"This was one of my best memories of my father." I remember the time years and years ago when my father was in the Winn Dixie grocery store. I was in the next aisle getting something. I don't remember what! Since I couldn't find what I was looking for, I decided to go to the next aisle over to see if I can find the item I was looking for. I spotted my father on the other side of the aisle, just staring at a selection of pickled relish from my eyes view. I walked up toward my father to see what he was staring at. I find that my father was staring at a selection of "hot dog" pickled relish. I look over at my father and then at the hot dog pickled relish; both of us with straight faces. I decided to brake silence and ask my father what he was staring at. "Dad! Why are you staring at that hot dog relish?" My father responded. "I looking to see if this hot dog relish had wieners cut up inside the jar, since it said hot dog relish." I turned my face away from dad and laughed until my hearts content. I virtually had to assure about the key ingredients of hot dog relish. "Popski! There are no wieners cut up in the hot dog relish", "It has a mustard base, pimento pieces, and sweet relish", I said to my father. He then said, "I assumed there were wieners cut up in the relish since it said hot dog relish." My father ended his reply, "Oh! I just thought there were wieners in the included in the hot dog relish." He turned with that same straight face he had when I walk on the same aisle he was on staring at the pickled relish and we both walk away. I was still looking at my father and laughing at him. He turned his face towards me and smirked at me.
Memory #2 - From Great-Granddaughter - Ta'Neisha Keeley Mitchell - "Sheeba & The Best Barbecue" - Good Memory
This was one of my father great-granddaughter's memories of him. "Grandpa would always make me laugh about his dog Sheeba." He said, "Sheeba pooped on the carpet in the house." "He also made the best barbecue in the world", "He was the best grandpa I ever had in the world."
Memory #3 - From Great-Granddaughter - Laila Christiana Smalls - "The Best Barbecue" - Good Memory
This was one of my father great-granddaughter's memory of him. She said, "I love my grandpa's awesome was the best in the world."
Memory #4 - From Grandson (My Son) - Zachary Nicholas Sheals - "Bribe For A Box Of Honey Maid Graham Crackers" - Good Memory
This was one of my father grandson's memory of him. "My grandfather was a great man", "I was standing by my grand father's bed when he was feeling good", "He tried to bribe me into getting him his box of Honey Maid graham crackers to snack on after he had his correct share just before dinner. He pointed towards the counter. He asked me to grab his Honey Maid graham crackers from the counter in his room. "Hey Zach! Would you grab my box of Honey Maid cookies from over there on the counter." Zach said with a smile. "I can't grandfather, you got to eat dinner in a bit." My father said, "Shoot!" in a weakened voice. Zach said, "I love you grandfather!"
Memory #5 - From Twin Daughter #1 - Sherri Celestine Brunson-Mitchell - "Daddy's Crazy Laugh That Cracked Everyone Up At Texas Cattle Company Steak House" - Good Memory
This was one of twin daughter's best memory of him. Sherri said, "One of my greatest memories was when Terri and I graduated from college and it was our birthday and we had dinner at Texas Cattle Company Steak House", "It was...of course with our family: Mom Ruth, brother Wesley Jr. Terri and her, at the time fiance James, my husband Lorenzo, Lorenzo's mother Sarah and his father Maxwell were all having dinner", "We were all talking and laughing about old memories from the past", "Then all of a sudden my dad began to laugh", "It was a very funny...screeching...very loud kind of laugh I've never heard before", "His laugh was prolonged and he didn't come up for air", "It was like a hyena laughing into the sunset", "His crazy laugh had everyone laughing in the entire steak house", "My dad was a little drunk at the time it happened, I will never forget."
Memory #6 - From Daughter-In-Law - Neyome Rozbel Sathyseelan-Brunson - "Open Wide, I'm Waiting For Your Very Good And Healthy Breakfast, Lunch And Dinners" - Good Memory
This was one of my father's daughter-in-law's best memories of him. Neyome said, "It's when I fix one of my breakfasts, lunches, and dinner's, I would get my father-in-law food prepared for him to eat", "He's waiting", "I set his tray in front of him","My best memory of my father-in-law was when he had his mouth already opened wide and his eyes closed, ready and waiting before I pick up his fork, or spoon with food on it ready for him to eat.", "It was the funniest thing I ever saw", "He kept open and closing his mouth with his eyes closed before I could feed him", "Dad had everyone laughing about that,"
Memory #7 - From Son-In-Law - Lorenzo Denarde Mitchell - "Share Your Barbecue With Me" - Good Memory
This was one of my father's son-in-law's best memories of him. Lorenzo said, "I happen to be barbecuing one day in the backyard of my house", "My father-in-law found out that I was barbecuing", He wanted some of my barbecue, because he loved my barbecue like I loved his barbecue", "My father-in-law told me, 'Make sure I get some of your barbecue Lorenzo', he said", "That made me feel good; it was the best thing he ever asked me for!"
Memory #8 - From Grandson - Justin Jamal Mitchell - "Great-Grandson...A Ladies Man" - Good Memory
This was one of my father's grandson's memory of him. "My grandpa happen to see my son; his great-grandson Justin Jr. while he was well enough to visit with my son", "He looked at me and he looked at my son", "Grandpa told me,"Justin! My great-grandson will be a ladies man; the way he will be breaking hearts." "I laughed about that and it was my greatest memory of grandpa."
Memory #9 - From Grand-Daughter - Octavia Nicole Mitchell-Smalls - "Awesome Pulled Pork Sandwiches & Dance With Me" - Good Memory
This was one of my father's grand-daughter's memory of him. "I remember who awesome my grandpa's barbecue pulled pork sandwiches was.", "It was the best!", "I also remember when my grandpa danced with me at my wedding...I will never forget."
Memory #10 - From Son - Wesley Brunson Jr. - "Our Father...The Farmer" - Good Memory
This was one of my father's son's memory of him. "My greatest memory of my dad was when he was a farmer", "After my family and I picked our crops, dad would take us to the market to sell our crops", " dad would take our family to the store to buy drinks and snacks after the market", "My snack was a coke (soda) and peanuts", " I would pour my peanuts into my coke, because it was very filling", "Later on that day, my dad would take our family to the beach for a swim and lots of fun", " was dinner and a drive-in movie after a long day of picking our crops", "It was my greatest memory of my dad as I remembered him", "He would reward my family and I for our efforts and our work in the field.
Memory #11 - From Wife - Ruth Anne Brunson - "Awesome Vacations" - Good Memory
This is one of my father's wife (my mother's) memory of him. "My greatest memory is the love and our vacations with just his children and myself.", "We used to travel all over the place.", "Our travels were all the way to Niagara Falls in Canada and almost the states throughout the entire eastern seaboard","In Florida...our family travel included: NASA Kennedy Space Center (Cape Canaveral), Daytona Beach, Miami, St. Augustine and amusement parks, Disney World, Sea World, Busch Gardens. Yearly State Fairs: The Florida State Fair and The Florida Strawberry Festival.", "Family rides in our family car...just to ride to and from for our family enjoyment", "Those were the best of the best times with our immediate family while our children were growing up."
Memory #12 - From Twin Daughter #2 - Author Terri Celestine Brunson - "It's Personal...The Facts ...Overall My Father's Care - Bad, But Hurtful Memory
This was one of my bad and hurtful memory of my father in his last days. 1. "I remember the last time my father was in the hospital, my father told me he couldn't breathe." He said in a weakened voice, "I can't breathe...I can't breathe!" I called for a registered nurse immediately to come to his room with oxygen tubes. The nurse came to my father's room. She check his vital signs: Blood pressure, temperature, and his oxygen levels. My father's oxygen levels was declining. It was for sure that my father needed to be on oxygen. The registered nurse placed the oxygen tubes in my father's nose and adjusted the right level of oxygen for my father's comfort. The registered nurse gave me some disturbing news. She said, "I don't like the way your aunt feed her brother and the way she care for him sometimes." I was completely disturbed about what the registered nurse said according to my father's care. Thirty minutes later, my aunt (the one with the so called power of attorney when my family found out it was bogus) asked why my father had oxygen on him? I told her with a slight stare, "Because my father told me twice he could not breathe!" My other two aunt's were there to witness me saying my father couldn't breathe. My sister and I stayed for an extra fifteen minutes with our father, before we had to leave the hospital to go home and feed our children and grand children. It was told to us by my other two aunts who remained at the hospital that my aunt with the bogus power of attorney questioned my the nurse about the oxygen placed on my father. I became infuriated with my answer! "What the heck she questioning the nurse about oxygen place on my father?", "My father needed the oxygen!" Then my sister and was told that my aunt said the oxygen wasn't on, but my father had oxygen tubes in his nose. I questioned that thought. "Why would my father have oxygen tubes in his nose with no oxygen going through the tubes to his nose for him to breathe?" I thought that was the most awful and the most ignorant and hurtful thing for my aunt (with the bogus power of attorney) to say about my father, her own brother, who was trying to breathe and live just a little while longer. My aunt then came walked up to my father along his bedside and slapping his chest to see if he was alert. "That made me madder than Hades for her to beat on my father's chest after he told me earlier he couldn't breathe. I didn't want to cause a scene. I for one will never forget that for as long as I live. 2. The thought that my father (for the last time, three days before his death) did not want to see his sister, my aunt with the so called power of attorney said he didn't want to see her and that he didn't want to come home. He wanted to remain in the care of hospital staff. My father knew he wasn't going to return to the hospital again. On his death bed, my dad said, "I don't want to see my sister and I didn't want to come home." He said that twice in the presents of his immediate family. My aunt virtually help cause my father's death, because his wishes wasn't fulfilled about staying in the hospital and that he didn't want his sister to help anymore with his care. He said to his immediate family, "She's killing me!" Hearing that from my father will never leave my mind, heart, and soul for infinity. "That is why it's personal that she basically helped put my father in a casket." 3. When my father was at home weeks before his last hospital stay; my sister-in-law Neyome, my brother Wesley Jr., and myself were getting ready to change my father hygiene wise. My aunt was at attendance. Being that she said she was a CNA - Certified Nurses Assistant, she wanted to clean my father herself. So my brother, sister-in-law and I observed to see how she clean my father as a patient. We watched while my aunt cleaned my father. My brother Wesley Jr., sister-in-law Neyome and I saw that she did well cleaning our father, but my problem with her was how time consuming (while my father was in pain ) and wasteful she was and the way she placed a diaper on my father. It was all crooked and halfway on my father. So she placed a ton of liners, padding's and another liner under my father where the diaper was crooked. My aunt left to run an errand. My question directed to my brother and sister-in-law about what had happened right before us, "Why in the heck she didn't straighten my father's diaper on him?" That was my main concern! Since my father was in pain; my brother, sister-n-law and I didn't want to take him through turning him, lifting him to change him again. "We didn't want to put him through that again, since his cleaning and prep was prolonged." My brother, sister-in-law and I would of placed our father's diaper on straight and perfectly! His pain medication was administered by my brother at that particular time. I will never as long as I live how my father was really treated by his own sister no one knew about until this post. 4. I remember when my aunt cooked for my dad in my sister-in-law Neyome's good pots. She scarred Neyome's pots and pans with a knife and forks...cutting up what ever meat she cooked my father. Whatever she cooked and prepared for my father, he also ate the bottom of the pots scraped into his food. She always gave my father over the amount in weight and proportion of food he was suppose to have and it was unhealthy. That is what caused his ammonia levels to go up, because the amount of sodium cooked in butter, which is full of sodium and more salt was added. That was against my father to have so much sodium and too much oils. My aunt also wanted Neyome to stop using turmeric in my father's food to soak up the toxins that are in the foods prepared (or anything else that was healthy for him intake in his system) that would of helped his cirrhosis of the liver and health issues my immediate family and I didn't know about, since she had the bogus power of attorney for over the six month period before he died. She also fed my father too much on the food and fork knowing that he didn't have his dentures in his mouth to chew properly, giving him more before he should of had before he was finished eating and swallowing his food. This was also stated to my immediate family and I during his last stay at the hospital. That angered me terribly! "I could write a book about the many things that happened to and with my father while he was in his sister's, my aunt's care, but...I'll cut it short here in my post." If someone would of did her like that, she would of spit nails, and she know it. I wish her daughter's could understand what really happened they don't know about. The real truth will keep revealing itself as time goes on in the eyes of GOD and his son JESUS! This isn't half of it.
Memory #13 - Added - From Twin Daughter #2 - Author - Terri Celestine Brunson - "The Owl On The Cable Line" - Good Memory (Too Funny)
This was one of my good memories of my father (almost 20 years ago) I remember I was sitting in the living room looking through some encyclopedias for different things to read about and explore. All of a sudden, I heard something outside what appeared to be the sound of an owl. I looked out the living room window and saw the owl on the cable line facing our home. I heard a of a myth from the older people back in my grandmothers time about owls and what they mean when they sit in one place for a long time. I was told that the owl often means death, or someone dying in the family. I started looking up different breeds of owls in the encyclopedia. Minutes prior to my search, my father came in the house with a frightened...sort of blank look on his face (like the one about the pickled relish) I looked up and saw that my father looked frightened. He walked towards where the encyclopedias were on the shelf. My father came over to where I was to find the encyclopedia about the owl he saw outside on the cable line. He breezed through the encyclopedia. Then out of the blue he said and demonstrated the kind of owl he saw, "Man! That owl was so huge; his wings spread out as far as a fathom in biblical times", "He flew from the cable line to the pole connected to the house and back to the cable line over looking our home", "I was scared as the dickens!" I couldn't help but laugh out about my father's experience with the owl. He did not return outside for the rest of the night. He stood staring at the walls for a while before he came back to reality.
Updated: Memory #14 - Added - From Twin Daughter #1 - Sherri Celestine Brunson-Mitchell - "Barbecued Dish Cloth" - Totally Awesome Memory
This was one of my funniest and the most awesome memory of my father yet. I was standing in the kitchen thinking of our father. There were so many great memories, but this one takes the cake. I cannot stop laughing about this memory of my father. My twin sister told me about the day she came from the grocery store; he happen to stop at our father's house to check on him; see how he was. He happen to be barbecuing on the side of his house. He was joking usual about everything. He started taking about his dog, Sheeba and how she was eating up his important papers...and so on. My father happen to mention about a dish cloth he had sitting on his grill one day. The cloth had some barbecue stain on it. This was what my father said, "I was looking for my dish cloth to clean of the surface of my grill and I found that Sheeba was doing her business in the backyard", "More like poop!", "I saw something green in her poop and found that it looked like my dish cloth.", "Sheeba had eaten my dish cloth I use for my grill.", "I guess she had her share of barbecued dish cloth."
Our Family is asking everyone for prayer (whomever see this post) worldwide. We will appreciate everyone and we will acknowledge everyone prayers to the family in heart, mind, body and soul."
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