Where should I begin? First all...I'm so very thankful to GOD and his son JESUS for bringing my dad from a mighty long way. His journey ( ever since June 22) with his sickness has been a very rough one, not one for him; for his biological and extended family. For the first time in months I've seen my dad improve...and then deteriorate as fast as he improves. "It's all been an emotional, physical, and a mental roller coaster." It's has been a super impact on my bio-family to fathom the reality of what has happened." God is good all the time in situations like my dad. Even though my dad's cirrhosis of the liver is at it's stage four, I feel he can and will come out of it. I can't call the guy that I heard about...who lives living in North Carolina. He had the same thing my dad has. He recovered with the natural medications (medications made by man...if so) proper healthy eating habits and plenty of exercise. "Miracles can happen over night!" I pray and trust in GOD and his son JESUS that my dad can receive that miracle...if it's GOD and his son JESUS will for my dad to return to perfect health. I still long for things to change when it comes to having full access to my dad's health. I look at my mother sometimes and knowing she doesn't have that power to make decisions according to my dad's medical health. I'm everyone who have read my posts know the story from my earlier posts on my blog site. I'm not going to continue to dawn on what's past. "For now!" My attentions are on the patriarch of my bio-family and his journey back to perfect health. I find myself in constant tears every single day. I think I'm not the only one in my family who feel the same way. This whole situation with my dad; his sickness has taken toll on family hearts, mind and soul. I long to see my dad well again in the name of the father, in the name of the son, and in the name of the holy ghost. "My trust, faith and belief in GOD and his son JESUS are phenomenal." Nothing can touch how I feel about my pilots. In a day or so...my family and I will go and visit with dad again and again until GOD and his son JESUS take him to GLORY. "I feel it will be a long time from now...if dad recovers by miracle from my pilots. I have a few of my extended family members who has been ever supportive in helping my bio-family cope with the reality of dad's sickness. "They've been so awesome towards my family in our time of need of support!" November 11, 2016 I was told that dad's health is improving in some parts of his body. His eyes were open limited to how he was feeling. I was told that dad still isn't strong enough to sit up and carry a conversation, or joke with the family about his #HoneyMaid cookies and what he's feeling personally about things and people. I speak a lot about dad and his #HoneyMaid cookies on my other social sites. Whenever he feel up to eating, his #HoneyMaid cookies is the first thing he asks for. "I pray I see dad ask for his #HoneyMaid cookies again, because it will mean a lot to me." What else I can add to this post? Nonetheless...I will reveal that my trust, faith, belief, and hope for my dad recovery is in GOD and his son JESUS hands. I will not interfere with my pilots giving and their healing. No man can touch that! Not by a long shot. GOD and his son JESUS is good all the time. My feelings are this. "I hope that my extended family and others don't take offense to this post. I'm only expressing my feelings about what has happened in the months past. Past situations of indiscretion from some are still ongoing, but much calmer. I've learn to accept the things I can't change. I've learned that when I give anything...whether or if I have questions about my dads medical health, or if it's my thoughts of how this whole thing with my dad played out, or my concerns about what has and will happen when all comes to a end from the reality of what has happened during the past months leading to my dad's current postition, good or bad. I know that the fighting and bickering is totally not worth what my dad is going through now. Judgment is not in my equation to judge anyone; I leave that for GOD and his son JESUS to fight all my battles, wars and rumors of wars when it comes to what my bio-family and I feel about any situation that we're faced with. "My bio-family and extended family journey towards dad's recovery continues."
"Both Families are asking everyone for prayer (whomever see this post) worldwide. We will appreciate everyone and we will acknowledge everyone prayers to the family in heart, mind, body and soul."
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