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Monday, April 10, 2017

Smiles Can Be Deceiving

Book 47

Galatians 6:7  7. Be not deceived; GOD is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap. 

It's very sad when you think that people in general say they care for you. They say they love you. They say they are there to support you in very way. Then...when that particular moment rears its ugly head, they just doo doo all over you like fertilizer over wilting plant. Why lie for the sake of lying about about your feelings if you really don't mean them. 

Why continue making a fool of yourself when you still have KARMA out there waiting to meet your acquaintance? What is common sense for if you don't use it wisely? Understand what you do before you do it. KARMA wouldn't be sitting briefly over the horizon just waiting to help you remember your past mischievous indiscretions. Some people in this world just don't think about those boomerangs until it's too late. 

That's what's so sad! Eyes blinded by deception. No conscience about what will happen in return. This is where the human heart donor is more giving and more dispiteful with their misdeeds. Then evil rears its totally ugly head. 

Smiles from ear to ear continues to bring happiness to those deep dark webs that are consistently being weaved with all the festivities of deception from one instant to another day by day, minutes to seconds and the smallest of seconds is the micro second. That's a lot of deception in a short period of time. It was done more than a couple of fathoms ago. There was no point in hanging onto something when vengeance is GOD and his son JESUS. They are the ones who will continue to fight battle after battle for us. When those rumors of wars keeps acknowledging their facts to the ones who are being effected by those battles as time progresses. 

The battle is already won and the war is declared ceased. 

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