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Sunday, March 7, 2021

An Author's Successful Journey

 Book 184

Joshua 1:8 - 8. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according g to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt .and thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have success. 

What good webs I weave into existence. My son Zachary and I lives are about to change forever, certainly with GOD and his son JESUS ahead of all the things Zachary and I are about to do. It is a big deal for me, because I have never experienced anything like having a movie adapted from my first book, "The Minorities, The Pilot". The right of course; from my book will be asked in permission to script my book at its entirety. I for one will be giving that permission to the production companies that are interested in my work. 

There are two production companies: Chad Conley Productions and Kaoticklone Productions. I am beyond excited and totally blessed to have those production company's interest in my work. I know that I am patient in waiting for both production companies to ask for the rights of my book, so that " The Minorities, Pilot can be produced. I know in fact that my F A T H E R and M O T H E R would be happy if they could see my potential success, memory of my parents, I know that they are proud of me. 🕊 My GOD and his son JESUS...may they rest in peace. 🕊

GOD and his JESUS has blessed me so much in my life. I should have saw all the blessings that my pilots have dwelled throughout the extent of my life. I am no longer blind to see what GOD and his son JESUS has been giving me. The gift of writing has led me into a world I never thought existed. It's no longer a fantasy to me. 

This is for real! A movie adaptation is not just fun and game. It's coming to my presence and its journey into the future. Hallelujah... praise GOD and his son JESUS for giving me the opportunity to shine like the mirror I can look into completely without a smudge or streak. Hallelujah...praise GOD for giving me this chance for an opportunity of a lifetime. My F A T H E R and M O T H E R would have been totally proud to see me make a difference, not only for myself, but...for my son Zachary as well.

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