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Friday, March 6, 2020

Love Doesn't Discriminate Ones Obligations To Love Unconditionally

Book 156 - Special Edition Post

Psalm 85:10 - 10. Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other. 

When I think of all the laughing and talking about everything we could think of off the top of our heads, I remember the good times we had as soul mates so happy and in love. "Those were the good times Alrick and I shared." And then...I think of all the times we argued off the top of our lungs about everything we could think of off the top of our heads, "Those were our trials and tribulations that consumed us at the time of despair." But...we can still love unconditionally with all the strength we have in our bodies to survive it's raft, not only once, or twice, but...a dozen times to the point of losing count of all the times we laughed, talked and argued. This is all in a relationship!

Alrick and I have been through so much in our lives in such a brief time, it's hard to cross all the "T's" and dot all the "I's" through those rocky paths we struggled to walk through without cutting into our conscience. We both pray, we continue in communication about our rights and wrongs, only to see which one weight the most in our vocabulary. We live for our lives, we live for the future; we will still live for all the good times we will have, and all the bad times we must go through just to see how much we can still survive without wallowing in our grief. Alrick and I know there will be times that we will shed tears of sorrow after we've been through an argument, and we know there will be tears of joy when we live, laugh, and love every minute of every second we have a pleasant conversation. That's life above and beyond everything a couple "soul mates" must go through without being reluctant to the consequences and the repercussions it has on the relationship itself. 

Alrick and I are going to live a lifetime of those repercussions it will have on our relationship. We must continue to survive it's raft, and continue to move on towards the future. Alrick and I will love a lifetime, even though our child we will conceive through the unconditional love that we have for one another. Nothing could come in between that, but the LORD our GOD, if they chose to separate us in death. Only prayer and patience will keep us in a abundance of faith, trust, belief, grace, glory, blessings and love with the strength of our pilots above.

We cannot ask for more than that!

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