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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Playing With Fire

Book 50

Galatians 6:7 - 7. Be not deceived; GOD is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

Jeremiah 49:16 - 16. Thy terribleness hath deceived thee, and the pride of thine heart, O thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, that holdest the height of the hill: though thou shouldest make thy nest as high as the eagle, I will bring thee down from thence, saith the LORD.

There are some things "creatures" don't mess with when they are playing with fire and they don't even know it. So much has happened within five months since my father's death. So much despair, deceit and pure lying for the sake of lying has taken place since then. How much more can my family take after going through pure Hades and total grief in just a short period of time? Deception has no limit of evil of the magnitude that a few creatures can do with it.

Just under a month ago my immediate family found out some information we thought no one would believe and then some through a lawyer that represented my mother back in 2016. Here's a question for everyone who are interested and knowing the facts of this particular matter. I have this one aunt who is now my ex aunt (whose name I chose to not enclose) because of my great respect for her lying behind. "Would it be totally irrational to be totally disappointed and disgusted at my ex aunt for telling my immediate family and I that she love us every chance we meet with her for a brief moment, or where ever our day took us...politely getting into conversation with her about life and about other ex family members in general?" -- And then she instantaneously, with her imagination, place a huge machete deep in all of our backs without the use of her hands and she thinks nothing of the huge lie for the sake of a lie she told us with a straight look on her face every time we thought she really supported us through out my father's illness, bereavement and us trying to move on with our lives from the complete Hades my family and I were put through for the past six months during my father illness?"

It was a very long question to ask, but...I think its totally pathetic to lie to my family and I with a straight face...smiling and thinking nothing of the big lie that was uncovered by other lawyers that handled my mothers divorce case back in 2016 (which never went through) with mother still married to my father while he's in the grave. I hope when then this post get out in the media, maybe...just maybe my actions are understood and why I wrote this post. I'm very tired of the mess, the chaos and the lies told to my family and myself. I want nothing else to do with the "majority" of my father's family. I'm done! My family is done!

The patriarch is gone and it's the end of an era I choose to forget accept for my father. I'm at peace with myself and with my family. Now I can smile too.

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