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Friday, July 17, 2020


Book 167 - Special Edition Post - Our Queen, The Matriarch

Copyright © 2020 by Author Terri Celestine Brunson

2 Kings 4:30 - 30. And the mother of the child said, as the LORD liveth, and as they soul liveth, I will not leave thee. And he arose, and followed her. 

Isaiah 66:13 - 13. As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem. 

Sherri, Wesley Jr., and I longed for our MOTHER to be there for us when we needed her to be there for us. There was nothing that could pull us away from her even if she's not doing her best, we are there for her in spirit and in spirit...her every need. It is hard sometimes to know that we cannot be there at the time when things are so uncharted and so unclear to us. Sherri, Wesley Jr., and I know that GOD and his son JESUS is there on time when our MOTHER need them the most. Her time away from us is so precious, dear, and sweet. 

Sherri, Wesley Jr., and I know that our MOTHERS voice will not be silenced for long, nor her immobile status will not see to exist for as long as we know that GOD and his son JESUS is good all the time. We bring new hope to the table and we lay it down with the possibilities of what may occur when our MOTHER...the queen of the universe is not 100 times the fathom we want her to be. Those fathoms turn into security wrapped around Sherri, Wesley Jr., and I with our emotions and in our thoughts. Some codes are not made to figure out just how concerned we are when it comes to our MOTHER. She is the queen, our matriarch! 

How can we hold our composure; how can we keep our emotions intact without shedding an ounce of despair? It is quite obvious what is known to be true by faith from the ones above. GOD is good all the time! And there is nothing that could beat our pilots giving, if asked in their name and that Sherri, Wesley Jr., and I pray as hard as we could withstand the love that GOD and his son JESUS has for us and our MOTHER to come back to us a 1000 and 1 bubbly presents. We can see as far as the horizon when it comes to our MOTHER being in the center our world. 

Our queen, our matriarch...where art thou in our thoughts? We know that you will return with glory and strength. That would be a joy to see! It is a once in a lifetime gift wrapped in our prayers, our faith, our trust, our belief, and our joy. Sherri, Wesley Jr., and I will meet our MOTHER again when things are not so uncharted. 

Our MOTHERS charts will not be so uncharted for long once she began to blossom like a flower in a spring breeze. Then...we will know that our MOTHER is growing closer to us than we ever imagined her to be watered with purity. Our queen, the matriarch...GOD and his son JESUS got you when there is nothing more to worry about or to do. Your strength will be revised to you a 1000 times more than you ever imagined it would be. Patience has its abundance when it is not rushed, only if it is given with time in the name of our father GOD, and in the name your son JESUS, and in the name of the HOLY is done!.

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